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Social Media Concerns

Consider the implications of social media use among minors. Many adults believe unsupervised access to such platforms poses a threat. Some US states are considering limits on daily usage. What are your thoughts? How can you ease concerns and establish safety measures?

Activity Time

STEM Concept

Subject & Grades






Connections between STEM Concepts, Learning Targets and Standards

Learning Objective

  • Students will identify and apply problem-solving techniques to solve problems.

  • Students will understand how these skills relate to their confidence and success.

Success Criteria

  • Students will be able to explain the steps involved in problem-solving.

  • Students can identify and use the appropriate problem-solving technique.

  • Students can apply problem-solving techniques to arrive at a solution.

Pathway 6: Students collaborate to explore genuine inquiries throughout their studies. 

Pathways 7:  Students learn STEM/STEAM independently with the guidance of skilled educators who facilitate their learning effectively. 

Pathway 11: Presentations serve as evidence that STEM culture is being implemented. 

Pathway 14: STEM/STEAM students use research to support claims, collect evidence, analyze data, and use evidence-based arguments to ensure the daily integration of STEM concepts.

Activity Introduction

This video challenges you to think about the positive and negative uses of social media when being used by people under 18 years old. Many adults feel that social media is too dangerous for children to use unsupervised. Some states in the USA are looking to limit the number of hours children under 18 can be allowed on social media each day. Watch the video. What are your thoughts and how could you help alleviate the fears or put safety measure in place to ensure concerned adults believe social media can be safe?


[Click image to enlarge]

Prompts for group activities

Social anxiety, self-image issues, and even something like FOMO (fear of missing out) are potential repercussions of too much screen time and phone access for young adults.

  • How can young people help guardians understand that they are being responsible?

  • Should it all fall on the parents to monitor, or is there a balance of trust, and if so, how is it achieved?

  • How can we ensure that future generations are safe in relation to social media?

Step 1: Watch the video

The Problem with Parents, Kids, and Social Media.

Activity Tips

  • Remind the students to write down words they don’t understand or questions that immediately come to mind about the topic they’re watching.

  • Tell them to be ready to share with their group.

Step 2:
Group Session

After the video, divide students into groups of 3 or 4 and let them begin their discussions while you circulate; it’s all about what THEY think and feel. Ask them to listen carefully to their friends as they might have different opinions of them.

Step 3:

  • Ask the students who they believe the best listeners and best team players are from this activity? 

  • Ask them to justify their answers in a simple sentence. 

  • Explain to them that the idea is everyone improves both their listening and teamwork skills over time.

  • Ask the students to summarize the video in 6-8 words only.

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